Community Resources

Rochester OB/GYN Community Resources


Child Abuse and Neglect Directory

Child Abuse and Neglect Council of Oakland County, 248-332-7173

No Abuse, 800-996-6228

Oakland County Children’s Protective Services, 866-975-5010

Oakland County Probate Court, Juvenile Division, 248-858-0033

Child Protection Program, 313-966-3133

Parents Helpline, 800-942-4357

Counseling Services Directory

Agency for Jewish Education, 248-354-1050

Alcoholics Anonymous, 248-541-6565

Association for Children’s Mental Health, 800-782-0883

Catholic Social Services/Family Counseling & Substance Abuse Programs:

Royal Oak, 248-548-4044

Waterford, 248-666-8870

Pontiac, 248-334-3595

Christian Family Services, 248-557-8390

Cranbrook Hospice Care, 248-334-6700

Credit Counseling Centers, 248-553-5400

Eastwood Community Clinic, 248-288-9333

Farmington Area Advisory Council, 248-477-6767

Gamblers Anonymous, 248-535-3086

Gateway Counseling Center, 248-414-3382

Goodwill Industries Employment & Training, 248-634-3822

Homes for Black Children, 313-961-4777

Hospice of Southeast Michigan, 248-559-9209

Judson Center, 248-549-4339

Lutheran Child and Family Services, 248-968-0100

Methodist Children’s Home Society, 734-531-4060

Narcotics Anonymous, 248-543-7200

Neighborhood House, 248-651-5836

Oakland County Child and Adolescent Clinic, 248-304-0413

Oakland County Community Mental Health, 248-858-1210

Oakland University Psychology Clinic, 248-370-3465

Room to Grow for Changing Families (SPACE), 248-355-9936

Self Help Clearing House, 800-777-5556

Crisis Assistance Directory

American Red Cross, 800-552-5466

Animal Control, 248-391-4102

Assault Crisis Center, 734-483-7273

Baldwin Church & Center, 248-332-6101

Divorce Assistance Directory

Central Information for Alcoholism and Substance Abuse, 248-858-0001

Credit & Debt Counseling Services, 1-800-547-5005

Common Ground (Crisis Intervention), 248-456-0909 or 1-800-231-1127

The HAVEN (domestic violence, sexual assault and child abuse), 248-334-1274

Help with Employment:

Job Link Center (Pontiac), 248-276-1777

Job Placement Center (Friend of the Court), 248-858-0590

High School Diploma or GED, Contact Your Local School District

Legal Help:

Common Ground, 248-456-0909

Lawyer Referral Service, 248-338-2100

Oakland County Legal Aid Society, 248-456-8888

Women’s Survival Center, 248-335-2685

Missing Children, 1-800-843-5678

Oakland County Family Independence Agency
(financial assistance to eligible residents and to access Protective Services)

Madison Heights, 248-583-8700

Pontiac, 248-975-5400

Walled Lake, 248-669-7600

Protective Services, 248-975-5010 (child abuse and neglect hotline after 5 p.m.)

Oakland County Friend of the Court, 248-858-1565 or 248-858-0424
(enforcement of child support, custody and parenting time orders for cases filed in Oakland County)

Oakland County Youth Assistance, 248-858-0050

(family/parent education classes; counseling for youth, ages 17 and under, and their families)

United Way Community Services, 313-226-9888

(human services in Macomb, Oakland and Wayne counties)

United Way First Call For Help, 248-456-8800

(to locate specific emergency help)

Eldercare Directory

Area Agency on Aging, 248-948-1640

Adult Day Care and Caregiver Support Services, Southfield:  248-557-7373, Sylvan Lake, 248-334-9680

Citizens for Better Care, 800-833-9548

Geriatric Mental Health Service, 248-858-1510

Oakland-Livingston Human Services Agency Senior Services, 248-209-2600

Families With Special Needs Directory

American Cancer Society, 800-925-2271

American Diabetes Association, 248-433-3830

American Lung Association, 248-359-5864

ARC of Oakland County, 248-816-1900

Autistic Society of America, 248-338-2050

Children’s Leukemia Foundation, 248-353-8222

Children’s Special Health Care Services, 248-424-7900

Children with Attention Deficit Disorder, 248-682-6185

DEAF CAN, 248-332-3331; TDD, 248-332-3323

Crohn’s Colitis Foundation, 248-737-0900

Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, 248-524-2873

Deaf Hearing & Speech Center, 734-341-1353

Detroit Institute for Children, 734-832-1100 (Pager)

Early On, Oakland County, 248-209-2084

Easter Seal Society, 248-338-9626

Epilepsy Foundation of Michigan, 248-351-7979

Foundation of Exceptional Children, 734-885-8660

Kenny Foundation, 248-552-0202

Learning Disabilities Association of Michigan, 517-485-8160

Lekotek, 248-681-9104

March of Dimes, 248-359-1550

Methodist Children’s Home Society, 734-531-4060

Metropolitan Society for Crippled Children and Adults, 810-465-5522

Michigan Association for Children with Emotional Disorders, 248-552-0044

Michigan School for the DEAF & Blind, 800-622-6730; for families, 810-257-1400

Autism Society of Michigan, 517-882-2800; for families, 800-223-6722

Muscular Dystrophy Association, 248-354-0950; for families, 734-416-7076

Myasthenia Gravis Association, 248-423-9700

National Reye’s Syndrome Foundation, 800-233-7393

North Oakland SCAMP, 248-625-3330

Our Lady of Providence Center, 734-453-1300

Project Find, 800-252-0052

Recording for the Blind, 248-879-0101

Training and Treatment Innovations, 248-858-1510

United Cerebral Palsy Association, 248-557-5070

Upshaw Institute for the Blind, 734-272-3900

Family Support Services Directory

Al-Anon Family Groups, 248-888-8586

Child Care Council, 248-858-5140

Homes for Black Children, 313-961-4777

Lula Belle Stewart Center, 734-867-2372

Marillac Outreach Center, 248-559-2272

Michigan Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, 800-331-7437

MSU Extension/Oakland County, 248-858-0880

Parents Helpline, 800-942-4357

Parents Without Partners, 734-973-1933

Peer Support for Changing Families, 248-355-9936

Stepfamily Association of Southeastern Michigan, 248-932-2552

Welfare Rights, 248-334-8117

Health Services Directory

Caring Program for Children, 800-543-7765

Children’s Eye Center of Michigan, 248-362-4262

Comprehensive Health Services, 800-875-9355

Donated Dental Services, 248-489-2204

Focus: HOPE, 313-494-5500

Healthy Start, 248-335-5638

Maternal Child Advocate Program, 248-858-5145

Metro Home Health Care Service, 734-336-6303

Midwest Health Services, 313-272-6545

Oakland County Health Division, North, 248-858-1280

Oakland County Health Division, South, 248-424-7000

Oakland County Dental Services, 248-858-1306

Oakland County Dental Society Referrals, 248-540-9333

Oakland County Medical Society, 248-646-5400

Pediatric Services (Dr. Colleen Noble), 248-857-7245

Poison Control Center, 734-745-5711

Pontiac Visiting Nurses Association, 248-683-1770

North Oakland Medical Center (NICU), 248-857-7200

St. John’s Home Health Care, 810-228-4500

Visiting Nurses Association, 248-683-1770

W.I.C. (Women Infants & Children), 248-858-1272

Hospitals Directory

Bi-County Health Care Center, 810-759-7756

Botsford, 248-471-8000

Children’s Hospital – Detroit, 313-745-5437

Ascension Providence Rochester Hospital, 248-652-5000

Havenwyck Hospital, 800-401-2727

Henry Ford Health Systems, 248-661-4100

Huron Valley Hospital, 248-360-3300

Oakland General Hospital, 248-967-7000

Pontiac Osteopathic Hospital, 248-338-5000

Providence Hospital, 248-424-3000

North Oakland Medical Center, 248-340-0440

St. Joseph Mercy Hospital, 248-858-3000

William Beaumont Hospital- Royal Oak, 248-551-5000

William Beaumont Hospital- Troy, 248-694-5000

Human Service Agencies Directory

Arab American & Chaldean Council, 248-559-1990

Catholic Social Services, 248-333-3700

Common Ground, 248-456-0909

Community Services of Oakland, 248-542-5860

Centro Latino,  248-858-5320

Easter Seals – Michigan, 248-451-2900

Family Independence Agency, 248-975-4804

Federation Resource Line, 248-559-4411

Hispanic Outreach Services, 248-338-4250

Jewish Family Services, 248-559-1500

Lutheran Child & Family Services, 248-968-0100

Oakland County Child Care Council, 248-858-5140

Oakland Family Services, 248-858-7766

Oakland Livingston Human Service Agency, 248-858-5126

Orchards Children Services, 248-258-0440

Society of St. Vincent DePaul, 313-567-1910

Southfield Human Services, 248-827-0660

Spectrum Human Services, 734-458-8736

Legal Resources Directory

Legal Aid and Defender Association, 1-877-964-4700

Pontiac Office: 248-253-1548

Oakland County Lawyer Referral Service, 248-338-2100

Protective Services Directory

Child Abuse and Neglect (24 hours), 866-975-5010

Common Ground (24 hours), 248-456-0909

Emergency Management, 248-858-5300

FISH, 248-334-5555

Furniture Resource Center, 248-373-7600

HAVEN (24 hours), 248-334-1274

Interim House, 734-861-5300

Lighthouse Emergency Service Center, 248-335-2462; Lighthouse/Clarkston, 248-673-4949

Oakland County Sheriff Department/Central Dispatch, 248-858-4911

Poison Control, 800-764-7661; Poison Control, Detroit, 313-745-5711

Pontiac Rescue Mission, 248-334-2187

Runaway Assistance Program, (RAPline), 800-292-4517

Runaway Hotline, 800-621-4000

Salvation Army:

Pontiac, 248-334-2407

Royal Oak, 248-585-5600

Southfield, 248-443-5500

Common Ground/Sanctuary, Pontiac, 248-333-2277

Suicide Prevention (24 hours), 734-224-7000

Travelers Aid Society, 734-962-6740

United Way First Call for Help, 248-456-8800

Youth Programs Directory

4-H, 248-858-0889

Big Brothers – Big Sisters, 248-338-6657

B’nai B’rith Youth Organization, 248-788-0700

Boys and Girls Club of Auburn Hills, 248-852-1336

Boys and Girls Club of Pontiac, 248-334-0551

Boys and Girls Club of South Oakland County, 248-544-4166

Boys and Girls Club of Troy, 248-689-1687

Boy Scouts of America, 248-338-0035

Camp Fire, 248-559-5840

Catholic Youth Organization, 734-963-7172

Catholic Social Services

Teen Parent Services:  248-334-3595

Teen Transitions (to Independent Living): 248-334-3595

FAR Conservatory, 248-477-6767

Girl Scouts of the USA, 734-964-4475

Oakland County Probate Court – Youth Assistance Program, 248-858-0050

Pathway Family Center, 248-356-0373

Sanctuary – Royal Oak (24 hours), 248-547-2260

YMCA, 248-651-9622

Housing Assistance Directory

Christian Coalition on Temporary Shelter, 810-558-9342

New Bethel Shelter, 248-333-7010

Oakland County Housing Counseling, 248-858-5402

Pontiac Area Transitional Housing, 248-335-1950

Pontiac Rescue Mission, 248-334-2187

South Oakland Shelter, 248-546-6566